It sounds obvious but having a balanced diet is crucial for good health and energy and to prevent illness.
Meals on wheels services are offered by your local authority, subject to certain eligibility criteria:
It is very important, especially for older people, to make sure that you drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated. Dehydration is a common cause of hospital admission for older people. It can lead to urinary tract infections and make the symptoms of other illnesses worse.
Watch our short video about the importance of staying hydrated – information, tips and myths.
Incontinence can be very distressing. However, it is far more common than you may think and there is a lot of information and support available. There are simple lifestyle or dietary changes that you can make to prevent incontinence and many ways to manage it so that it does not affect your everyday life.
We're all responsible for our health and regular health checks are vital.
The NHS Better Health website has information and advice to help you with all aspects of your physical and mental health. Check your own health by taking the How are You? quiz.
Make sure you get your annual flu jab. These will usually be free if you are over 65, have certain medical conditions or are a carer. If you are in one of these groups and are not invited for a flu jab, contact your GP.
To keep your risk of alcohol related harm low men and women are advised not to drink more than 14 units of alcohol a week on a regular basis. It’s good to spread out your drinking evenly over 3 or more days. If you’re trying to cut down on the amount you drink, it’s a good idea to have several alcohol-free days each week.
It’s important to seek to get medical advice before you stop drinking if you have physical withdrawal symptoms (like shaking, sweating or feeling anxious until you have your first drink of the day). It can be dangerous to stop drinking too quickly without proper help.
Drug use has very clear effects on health and wellbeing. FRANK's A to Z gives information about the effects and impact of different drugs. The NHS website has comprehensive information about drugs and drug addiction
Do you need help and support?
Whether you’re worried about yourself or a loved one, there is lots of local support and advice available.
If you need help with an alcohol or drug problem you can contact the Hampshire treatment services for adults or young people. These are easy to find in local centres across the county.
You may want to talk to your GP about your drinking or drug taking. Your GP will listen to you and assess the nature of your problems. They will help you choose suitable treatment and support options which are available. They might offer to treat you or refer you to your local specialist alcohol and drug service.
Further information and advice:
Now is the right time to quit. Every cigarette causes you real harm and quitting smoking is healthier for you and your family. Smokefree Hampshire is committed to helping smokers who live or work in Hampshire who want to quit. Visit the:
Tailored support to help you quit – including access to free Nicotine Replacement Therapy.
Maintaining a healthy weight is important for your overall health. Becoming overweight or obese increases your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and some cancers. Find information and advice to help you lose weight.
Hampshire County Council (HCC) is working with Thrive Tribe, under the name Gloji to provide free support for people who want to lose weight. To qualify for this support, you need to meet a certain criteria and be a Hampshire resident (excluding Southampton or Portsmouth) or registered with a Hampshire GP.
Mental health needs can affect anyone, of any age or background and at any time of our life. See our Mental health page to find information and support.
The NHS has information and advice on Women's health, wellbeing, screenings and menopause.
Menopause affects anyone who has periods, and symptoms can have a big impact of your life, including relationships and work. Help and support is available from the NHS and other organisations.
Find organisations in Hampshire that support women's health.
The Men’s Health Forum is a charity supporting men's health in England, Wales and Scotland. You can find fast, free independent advice online as well as manuals and free downloads.
UK Men's Sheds are community spaces for men to connect, converse and create.
Sleeping well is essential if you are to stay well and feel good. It is especially important if you lead a busy life, are coping with illness or stress or if you are caring for someone else. Our mental wellbeing can seriously impact our sleep.
If you are having sleep problems, it is important that you understand what is causing this and take steps to sleep better.
If your sleep problems are affecting your health or daily life, you should peak to your GP.